How to send assets

1. Navigate to the asset tab.


2. Select Send and specify the amount in coins or local currency equivalent. Specify the receiver address. Select Next.

How to Send Assets 1

Important! The received address must correspond to the asset you are sending. Entering an incompatible address can result in the loss of assets.


3. See the transaction details on the checkout screen: the status, transaction amount, date, receiver address, and miner fee. Select Next. You can change the network’s fee in the transaction settings.

Important! The network’s fee is calculated dynamically by the app; it depends on the network load at the moment and does not depend on the transaction amount. Lowering the network’s fee may result in the increased confirmation time by miners.


4. As soon as miners confirm the transaction, its hash will appear in the transaction details and its status will change to “Success”.
Note that successful cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible and cannot be canceled. You can only boost or cancel a transaction that has not been confirmed by the network yet.
To share your transaction, select Share in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to Send Assets 2

Useful instructions: