HomeLearning CenterTrustee WalletHow to create a new wallet

How to create a new wallet

To create a cryptocurrency wallet, follow these steps:


1. Download Trustee Wallet from the App Store (for iOS devices) or Play Market (for Android) and install it.


2. Open the app, choose Create wallet.


3. At first start Trustee Wallet will generate a unique Recovery phrase (Seed phrase) that consists of either 12 or 24 words. Push and hold button “Press and hold to reveal”. Write the Recovery phrase down on a piece of paper, word for word, in the original order. Keep it somewhere safe.


Important! The Recovery phrase (Seed phrase) is the only way to recover your wallet in case your device is lost or broken! Keep the Recovery phrase out of your device’s storage! Watch out for scammers, never disclose your Recovery phrase to anyone!

How to Create a New Wallet 1


4. Specify the name of the wallet in Settings (Cog icon in the down-left corner) if necessary.


How to Create a New Wallet 2


5. Approve your Recovery phrase.

8439764d 684c 489b B688 Af7544d62233


6. Trustee Wallet is ready to use.

87402011 Ddad 4b0b 8f62 1acd50811e39

7. If you didn’t rewrite the Seed on the stage of wallet creation, you can still retrieve it from the main screen: select Settings -> My wallets -> Recovery phrase. Push and hold  button “Press and hold to reveal”. Write the Recovery phrase down on a piece of paper, word for word, in the original order. Keep it somewhere safe.


04f36610 A779 4743 926d C9fe069f50e6

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