HomeLearning CenterTrustee PlusEnable Two-Factor Authentication for Transactions (Transfer and Swap Confirmations)

Enable Two-Factor Authentication for Transactions (Transfer and Swap Confirmations)

Beyond securing access to your wallet, you should also use 2FA for transaction confirmation, particularly when making swaps or transfers. This ensures that every time you move assets, a secondary confirmation method is required, adding an extra layer of protection.

  • Transfer Confirmation: Whenever you send crypto to another wallet, Trustee Plus Custodian Wallet can be configured to require a 2FA code (Google Authenticator and / or email) before completing the transfer. This ensures that no transfer can occur without your explicit permission.

  • Swap Confirmation: Similarly, when swapping one cryptocurrency for another within your wallet, a 2FA confirmation will be required before the transaction can be executed. This reduces the risk of unauthorised swaps, which could deplete your assets.


Best Practices for 2FA Transaction Security:

  1. Enable 4-6 digits PIN code opting for swap and transfer confirmations.
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  2. Always Use Google Authenticator codes for swap and transfer confirmations. This is more secure than relying on email alone, as email accounts can sometimes be compromised.
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  3. Enable Email 2FA codes for swap and transfer confirmations.
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By enabling all above mentioned separate steps of the two-factor authentication protection, you can ensure the highest level of security for your digital and crypto assets.

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