How to stake Ambrosus coin (AMB) in Trustee Wallet

  • 2022-10-17
  • 2 min
  • 28
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Trustee Wallet is a fast and secure multi-currency cryptocurrency wallet for profitable purchase of cryptocurrency with Visa/MasterCard.  Secure storage and exchange is available. The wallet has integrated NFTs and WalletConnect.

Trustee Wallet offers a wide range of opportunities for earning: Solana, Tron, VeChain staking is available. 

Recently AMB staking has become available and in this article we will give you step-by-step instructions on how to stake AMB in Trustee.   

To do this, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Connect to Wallet button. 
  3. Select the WalletConnect button.
  4. Scan the QR-code that appears on the website using Trustee Wallet. To do this, use the QR scanner in the upper right corner on the main screen of the App.
  5. Trustee Wallet will request to connect to Ambrosus Arcadia Staking. Select “Yes.”  
  6. Once connected, select any of the available validators on the site, for example HERA, enter the deposit amount (minimum is 1,000 AMB) and click “Stake”. 
  7. A notification will appear in your wallet to send a coin to stake. Click “Send”.
  8. Congratulations! Your coins are staked. Every 6 hours, the pool will distribute rewards for the delegated stake, which will be added to the delegated deposit. Profit is displayed as an increase in delegated stake by whole numbers only (not fractions).

  1. To take the stake and get it to your wallet balance, go to the “Unstake” tab, select the percentage of the stake to be withdrawn and click the Withdraw button. You can withdraw coins from the stake at any time. 

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